Lisa Fazio: My Journey
I grew up with a strong desire to learn about the other side. My first encounter experiencing spiritual connection and loss was associated with one of my earliest guides; my grandmother. When I was a little girl my sick grandmother came to live with us. She was dying of colon cancer and spent the rest of her days with us; her family. I have fond memories of her walking me to the avenue, buying my candy, balloons and ice cream. One day I woke up and she was gone. I remember running from room to room looking for her. I was told she left, and I became fearful of everybody in my life, leaving me. I was only four years old. I was considered too young by my family to fathom the gravity of loss. This was the start of my curiosity to connect with the other side. People approach the spiritual plane with caution and apprehension. However, as a child knowing that it's my grandmother out there made me realize there's nothing to fear if you connect with light and love surrounding you. This sparked my curiosity to explore and learn about the other side where I knew my grandmother now resided.

​Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
Over the years I have encountered negative experiences which in retrospect, have held important life lessons for me. I went through periods of disconnect with others and felt betrayal from not only those around me but from my own body. I’ve suffered with a lifetime of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, a miscarriage, lawsuits, car accidents, mercury poisoning, endometriosis and endless challenging relationships. I felt as though I was testing fate with every ailment that came my way. By acknowledging these obstacles as life lessons and learning the best way to bring forth these lessons is by embracing each experience for what it was. Like the seasons, we must accept the cold, harsh winters in order to appreciate the warmth of the summer. To give up would’ve been a simpler solution. I knew the only way I would grow and evolve as a female, mother, teacher, artist and guide was to give attention to even the most painful and wounded parts of me. I believed in myself, I believed in a Higher Power, I believed that my beloved grandmother and guide is right beside me, telling me that there is a greater purpose for me. This sheer faith and belief in spirit to guide me helped me overcome my adversities.
Life opens up, when you open up
I spent decades working towards self-discovery and learning to hone my spiritual skills through sofa time, retreats, yoga, meditation with gurus and writing. I would wake up at 3am and journal my thoughts, dreams, intentions and experiences. When re-reading these journals, I realized I have more clarity at 3am than any other time of the day. I soon came to realize this was it was because I felt the presence of God in those early mornings, with no one to keep me company but God, myself and the pages of writing that separated us. Channeling spirit’s wisdom to find my inner authentic self and using spirit to assist me in making those big life decisions helped me turn those negative experiences around into positive life lessons.
Early in my life, I made a paycheck by managing other people’s businesses. However, as life unfolded, Spirit helped me realize what my true life’s work is about. A small but mighty voice inside of me pushed me to open up an art studio. I used this opportunity to teach others about the creative process and became involved in my community and started finding ways to give back. This proved to be the perfect way to use my artistic skills to help others. Someone once said, “we are not here to see through one another but to see one another through”, and that is exactly what I intended to do.
A second act, an encore
I am now on the second act of my life. I’ve had the blessing of being a good daughter, wife and mother. Now I am feeding and bathing my parents, where they once fed and bathed me. Life has now come full circle. I am now taken back to a time when I was younger and less weathered by the test of time. I have developed a new set of skills I can call upon to help my parents’ transition. I have been a gatekeeper crossing my peers, friends and family to the other-side and can now see the collective energy of beings on both sides through my heart's eye and not live in fear anymore. It is within these moments that the four-year-old within me, who was too afraid to get close to anyone due to fear of loss, can finally be at peace knowing that no one is ever lost to us but just another realm away.
I have learned to rejoice in celebration but also in trials and tribulations. It is time for me to look in the mirror and ask if I am breathing life my dreams until my final breath. It is my passion and dream to help set free lessons and strengths buried deep within others. I want to awaken the gifts and skills hidden from the naked eye. With my toolbox of Clairs, I am able to see the burdens and afflictions others face and I am able to use my skill set to help guide them into a path of true authentic self through divinely led art and meditation workshops. I can utilize my third eye to capture the spirit of the landscapes put before me or to paint into existence the pulse of the city or even to spark the connection between a person’s life portal by creating custom soul portraits.
I know in my heart; I am serving my true purpose in connecting others to their higher being. I am leading by example. I am embracing the vulnerable parts of me and the strong parts of me wholeheartedly.

See Artist Lisa Fazio in Action
As Seen on TV
Guest speaker on World Art Day,
Sixth year in a row. Sharing my experience on the creative process through journaling and painting.

View the Newsday article featuring Lisa